In general, the diagnosis and treatment of the following diseases are carried out in the urology department of Private Mersin Academy Hospit...
General, regional or peripheral nerve block operations are planned considering the general condition of the patient, physical examination, d...
With the support of specialist physicians and adult and neonatal intensive care units, 7 days 24 hours, at Emergency Health and Ambulance Se...
Obesity Nutrition and obesity, Weight loss programs, Nutrition at Diabetes mellitus (Diabetes), Nutrition at Heart-Vascular Diseases Nutriti...
General Obstetrics:, Pregnancy follow-up, Monitoring of risky pregnancies, 1st and 2nd Tritester Screening tests, NST (cardiotocography of),...
Dermatology is a science that provides diagnosis and treatment of all kinds of diseases related to skin, oral and sexually transmitted disea...
Respiratory support treatments (including High frequency ventilation), Body cooling therapy in asphyxiated births in difficult births, Total...
In our country, there is an issue that concerns about 1.5 million people with diabetes who use insulin very closely. Is it possible to get r...