General Information:
- Name and Surname: İBRAHİM ÖNER
- Branch: General Surgery Specialist
- Date and Place of Birth: Mersin-1974
- 1980-1985 :Mersin Gazipaşa Primary School
- 1985-1991 :Mersin Tevfik Sırrı Gür High School
- 1991-1997 :İstanbul University İstanbul Faculty of Medicine (ÇAPA)
- 1998-2003 :Haydarpaşa Numune Training and Research Hospital- General Surgery Specialization
Institutions Where He Has Worked:
- 2004-2010 :Kahramanmaraş-Pazarcık State Hospital
- 2010-2017 :Mersin-Tarsus State Hospital
- 2017-2021 :Mersin City Training and Research Hospital
Medical Interest
- Breast and Thyroid Surgery
- Laparoscopic Surgery (especially gallbladder and incisional hernias)
- Gastrointestinal system diseases
- Hemorrhoidal Diseases (laser, band ligation, doppler-assisted arterial ligation and hemorrhoidopexy, surgical interventions )
- Endoscopic interventions (gastroscopy and colonoscopy)
- Local interventions in the field of all other general surgery
I have various domestic and international publications and book chapters.
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