90 Percent of Insulin Treatment is Unnecessary

Istanbul Medeniyet University, Professor of Internal Medicine and diabetes, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kanat stated as follows: Almost 90 % of diabetes patients taking insulin therapy is ninety percent unnecessary . Speaking of real life, Prof. Dr. Mustafa Kanat stated as follows "Almost 23 percent of the whole health budget is spent on diabetes and complications associated with diabetes."

Internal Medicine and Diabetes Specialist Dr. Mustafa Kanat made striking comments about insulin drugs used in the treatment of diabetes. He said that 90 percent of insulin used for patients with Type 2 diabetes was given to the patients unnecessarily. Wing, drew attention to the dangers of this situation. Internal Medicine and Diabetes Specialist Dr. Mustafa Kanat said that the treatment of diabetics could not be done properly and the loss of these patients due to cardiovascular diseases could not be prevented and the health expenditures increased unnecessarily. He was a specialist in diabetes, at the Texas University Health Science Center. Internal Medicine and Diabetes Specialist Dr. Mustafa Kanat stated the world has changed the treatment of diabetes; the use of insulin has dropped too far.

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